I have over 6 1/2 years of experience working within multiple CMS and ecommerce platforms. Within those years, I've become an expert at multiple levels of ecommerce management. From creating shopify sites from the ground up (for some of the largest teams in the NBA) to Integrating Websites to Social Media Platforms, I've got you covered.
The shops on the right are all stores that I've managed at one point throughout my career. I have examples for every team and site. Want to see more, please ask.

From 2016-2019 I managed the online shop for The Chicago Dogs. Originally the site was run through a BlinkCore platform, but later was switched to Shopify. The current layout and some of the artwork that still exists on the site were created by yours truly.

I also managed webstores of teams from our Neighbors to the North. I created the graphics and managed the CMS for Ottawa 67's from 2014-2016.